Who We Are
Real people with imperfect lives
On the one hand, we are “regular” people: Like everyone else, we are trying to make it through an over-packed life that includes challenges from relationships, responsibilities, finances and more.
On the other hand, we are different: We have found the promises of happiness and fulfillment from our culture to be an illusion. In Jesus, we find true joy and meaning.
In Him we discover forgiveness, and the freedom and strength to live a changed life. Jesus meets us at the most relevant and practical level. We want to place ourselves in His hands and allow Him to heal us, restore us and transform us into the people God designed us to be. We're a long way from perfect, but we find so much joy in the journey with Jesus.
What's important to us (more on our beliefs)
The Bible is our source of direction, wisdom, and discernment. It's our foundation in times of change and conflict. We strive to keep it first - before tradition or preferences - and discern its meaning in community, by reading and discussing it together.
Family. For some, “family” recalls comfort and security; but for others, a need for healing from pain and brokenness. For still others, the idea might even seem irrelevant. In Jesus, we have a new and larger family! At SBIC we seek to provide a family where people are known and loved. We seek to support families living through the ups and downs of life, and to restore hurting families by God’s power and love.
A Personal God. We strive to be a community that encourages people to connect with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on a personal and intimate level. The Spirit’s work is important to us. We value the Spirit's gifting, empowering and renovating work in our lives.
Sunday Mornings. We value gathering weekly for worship, learning and fellowship. Read more about how we operate on Sunday mornings on our "Sunday Services" page.